From Ethiopia to Egypt, Girls’ Education Programs Combat Child Marriage
›According to the UN Population Fund, more than 140 million girls will become child brides between 2011 and 2020 – an estimated 14.2 million young girls marrying too young every year or 39,000 daily. The majority of these girls do not receive access to education or reproductive health services. [Video Below]
Harmony in the Forest: Improving Lives and the Environment in Southeast Asia
›How can NGOs and civil society promote environmental protection and improve people’s health and livelihoods in remote tropical forests? Two NGOs with innovative programs in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea spoke at the Wilson Center on May 30 about their efforts to simultaneously tackle these issues and highlight their intricate relationship.
Dale Lewis on Combating Poaching in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley Through Integrated Development
›June 28, 2013 // By Jacob Glass“We did something very special for the community and the resources these farmers live with. We sat down with local leaders and promised to stop spending so much time caring about the elephants, and instead create a company that will try to address community needs,” said Dale Lewis in an interview at the Wilson Center. “The deal was they had to put down their snares and guns.”
Lisa Dabek on How Papua New Guinea’s Tree Kangaroo Conservation Project Does More Than Conserve
›“All through Papua New Guinea, in every province, there is logging and mining, but we are the first conservation area,” says Lisa Dabek in this week’s podcast.
Dabek is the director of the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Project (TKCP), an effort of the Seattle Woodland Park Zoo that works to protect tree kangaroos while empowering communities in Papua New Guinea’s YUS Conservation Area to manage their natural resources, health care, and food security.
Is Resilience Too Accurate to Be Useful?
›Resilience is a wonderful metaphor. It somehow conveys in a single word the qualities of bending without breaking, of healing after an injury, of tensile rather than brittle strength. Oak and palm trees are resilient to the power of strong winds, before which they bend and then straighten again. Resilient people pick themselves up after being knocked down, draw on their reserves of ideas and strength to deal with difficult challenges, or hunker down until the gale has blown itself away. Resilient economies bounce back, and resilient ecosystems restore themselves after the fire or the flood has passed.
Midwives, the Frontline and Backbone of Maternal Health, Face Insecure Working Environments
›Midwives play a critical but unheralded role in maternal health. Their skills are sometimes marginalized in otherwise well-meaning discussions about professionalizing care, or even worse, they are subject to abuse, as was discussed at the Wilson Center earlier this month. So when I found the room overflowing at a Women Deliver panel yesterday on the disempowerment of midwives and how much it undermines global efforts to increase access to care, I took that as a good sign that midwives will not be overlooked much longer.
It’s Not a Drug, It’s Not a Device – It’s Women Working Together
›“Cooperative nurturing is the natural state of humans,” said Anthony Costello, director of the University College London’s Institute for Global Health, during a side event yesterday here at the Women Deliver conference in Kuala Lumpur. Children and mothers are healthier when they have a support network, so the Institute for Global Health has partnered with a number of NGOs over the last two decades to form thousands of community-based women’s groups in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Malawi.
Measuring Community Resilience: Implications for Development Aid
›A staggering amount of development dollars – one in three, in fact – are lost due to natural disasters and crises. Certain communities are less affected than others by such disasters; they are more resilient. Knowing where vulnerability and strength exist and how to bolster them could help avoid these losses. Yet, today, very little data exists to help development practitioners understand which adaptive capacities are lagging in a given community.
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