Turning the Tide? Technology Provides New Ways to Combat Gender-Based Violence
›Worldwide, one in three women suffer beatings, coercion into sex, or other abuse from an intimate partner during her lifetime, according to the UN, while one in five is a victim of rape or attempted rape.
“Gender-based violence is a pervasive global challenge. It serves as a barrier to national economic and social advancement across the world,” said Alex Dehgan, former chief scientist and director of the Office of Science and Technology at the U.S. Agency for International Development, on December 9 at the Wilson Center. [Video Below]
Kirya: How a Village in Tanzania Shows the Challenge of Just Climate Adaptation
›In many parts of the world, climate change exacerbates existing inequalities – between men and women, rich and poor, landed and landless. Climate change responses, therefore, should carefully address these forms of vulnerability.
We hear this often, but in practice, it can be difficult to do.
“What I See Is That Women Are Healthier…Children Are Healthier”: Vik Mohan on Blue Ventures’ Work in Madagascar
›Six years after beginning a marine conservation program focused on octopus fishery management in southwest Madagascar, “we can proudly say that we have made a real impact as an organization providing health care,” said Dr. Vik Mohan, medical director of Blue Ventures and a practicing doctor in the United Kingdom.
Lisa Dabek: Thinking Long Term to Save Papua New Guinea’s Tree Kangaroos
›“I always say what brought me to Papua New Guinea is the tree kangaroo, and what keeps me there are the people,” said Lisa Dabek.
“Childhood Must Never Be Derailed by Motherhood”: Dianne Stewart on UNFPA’s ‘State of the World Population 2013’
›Twenty thousand girls under the age of 18 give birth each day, according to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Two million girls age 14 or younger give birth each year. Societal norms often frame adolescent pregnancy as the result of promiscuous behavior, but this year’s State of the World Population Report encourages “a shift away from interventions targeted at the girl toward broad-based approaches that build girls’ human capital, protect girls’ rights, and empower them to make decisions,” says Dianne Stewart, director of the information and external relations division of UNFPA, in this week’s podcast.
Vik Mohan: Madagascar’s Cyclone Haruna Showed Benefits of Integrated Development
›December 10, 2013 // By Jacob GlassWhen Cyclone Haruna swept across Madagascar last February, Blue Ventures, a marine conservation and community health organization, found themselves in a surprising new role. “We went from development, to aid, and back to development, in an integrated way we never expected,” said Medical Director Vik Mohan in an interview at the Wilson Center.
Laura Robson and Caroline Savitzky, Blue Ventures
PHE Is Alive and Kicking: Inspiration and Endorsement From Addis Ababa
›December 4, 2013 // By Wilson Center StaffThe original version of this article, by Laura Robson and Caroline Savitzky, appeared on Blue Ventures’ Beyond Conservation blog.
The excitement was palpable as we gathered with almost 200 of the world’s finest population-health-environment (PHE) practitioners, researchers, and advocates in Addis Ababa for the International PHE Conference earlier last month! With all of us working on integrated projects encompassing family planning, community health, sustainable livelihoods, and environmental initiatives, there were many ideas and progress updates to be shared.
Population-Environment Program Wins Recognition: Blue Ventures Honored at International Conference on Family Planning
›This year’s International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) happened to coincide with the UN’s annual climate change summit. Perhaps it’s apt then that one of the organizations recognized for excellence is helping to bridge the gap between the environment and family planning communities.
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