Examining Women’s Inclusion in Peace and Conservation Efforts
›Some of the world’s most crucial ecosystems can also be found in the most conflicted areas. The most progressive peace agreements in these circumstances sometimes include conservation protections, but fewer still include women – and that’s a an article in Peace Review by Conservation International’s Brittany Ajroud, Kame Westerman, and Janet Edmond.
Peace Park Expedition to Balkans Reveals Tensions Over Development, Rule of Law for New Governments
›One of the last biodiversity hotspots in Europe was also backdrop to one of its last violent conflicts and now home to its newest nation states. The Prokletije/Bjeshket e Nemuna Mountains, often referred to as the Southern Alps, are a large expanse of wilderness and stunning alpine landscapes that form the border between Montenegro, Albania, and Kosovo. Three national parks share borders and form a patchwork of protected land that could be the basis for an international peace park – a shared resource that could promote cross-cultural exchange collaborative natural resource management, and eco-tourism.
Violence Over Land in Darfur Demands We Look Again at Links Between Natural Resources and Conflict
›Given that there have been three major peace processes in Sudan’s troubled western province of Darfur, the current escalation of violence indicates that perhaps something about existing approaches is failing to hit the mark. Identifying what is missing is vital – not just for Darfur, but for other areas with similar challenges of state fragility, poverty, and competition over natural resources.
Lessons From Katrina: Can Media-Citizen Collaboration Help Cities Adapt to Climate Risks?
›Ten years ago this month one of the United States’ deadliest and most costly storms, Hurricane Katrina, struck the Gulf Coast. In Louisiana, the storied city of New Orleans was dealt a particularly devastating blow. Hundreds died and the city suffered extensive damage as 80 percent of its neighborhoods flooded, prompting an exodus it is still recovering from.
Sally Edwards on Health and Climate Change in the Caribbean: “It’s a Very Complex Web”
›“The relationship between human health…and environmental changes is extremely complex,” says Sally Edwards, advisor for sustainable development and environmental health of the Pan-American Health Organization/World Health Organization office for the eastern Caribbean countries, in this week’s podcast.
Engaging Decision-makers on Family Planning: Some Right IDEAs
›Just a few years ago, progress on global family planning and reproductive health policy seemed to be stuck in a rut. “For 20 years, development money for health had been directed to fight HIV and poverty, and as a result, momentum, interest, and funding for family planning had dwindled,” said Susan Rich, vice president of global partnerships for the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), at the Wilson Center on July 15. “Unmet need for family planning was high all over the world, but especially in Africa.” [Video Below]
Providing for the Periphery: Anthony Speca on Development for Canada’s Resource-Rich Nunavut
›Rich in natural resources, poor in nearly every human development indicator. The description applies to many of the most-conflict ridden states in the world, but also to a region often forgotten in global development circles: the Arctic North.
The SDGs Are All About Integration – Good Thing PHE Programs Have Been Doing That for Years
›Last week, the United Nations concluded one of the last negotiations on the road to adopting the Sustainable Development Goals in September. We’ve entered the home stretch of a process that has taken more than two years, bringing governments, civil society organizations, and communities together to define the development goals and targets that UN member states will be expected to aim for over the next 15 years.
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