Flying High: Q&A with Birding Beijing’s Terry Townshend
›On March 20, the lawsuit filed by the three organizations successfully blocked the construction of the Jiasajiang I Hydropower Station in Yunnan Province, meaning that at least for now, these long-legged endangered birds are safe. This environmental victory for China’s birds builds on the designation of some of China’s Migratory Bird Sanctuaries along the coast of the Yellow Sea-Bohai Gulf as UNESCO World Heritage sites in July 2019, with more planned in the next two to three years. However, these highpoints in avian protection do not negate the fact that nearly 40 percent of China’s endemic birds are listed as threatened and require greater protection.
Limited Water for Unlimited Development: Q&A With Shaofeng Jia
›A quarter of the coal that powers China’s economy is mined in Inner Mongolia, one of the country’s most water-scarce provinces with only slightly under two percent of China’s total water resources. The coal-rich city of Ordos, which produces nearly 70 percent of all the coal in Inner Mongolia, is bookended by expanding deserts—Kubuqi to the north and Maowushu to the south—and may one day run out of water and face a “Day Zero” like Cape Town in South Africa. Both the central and local governments are promoting a number of efforts to create new water supplies in Ordos, such as treating brackish waters and trading water rights. To learn more, the China Energy & Environment Forum recently interviewed Shaofeng Jia, the Deputy Director of Water Resources Research Center at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who recently completed an extensive study on water-energy confrontations in Inner Mongolia.
Every Day is Earth Day: Plastic Waste Q&A with Mao Da
›Plastics. From the devastating effects of plastic pollution on our oceans, to the news that plastic bottles likely pollute the drinking water they contain, plastic pollution—the theme of this year’s Earth Day—has been a highly visible issue, and we’ve seen some notable progress on fighting the plastic battle.
China Has Arrived in the Arctic: Q&A With Sherri Goodman
›To further its goals to strengthen the global economy, China has already invested $300 billion of its pledged $1 trillion towards its Belt and Road Initiative—a massive infrastructure investment plan that spans 60 countries across Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. China’s initiative will shift the world’s political, environmental, and economic landscape.
Innovations in Midwifery Save Mothers’ Lives: Q&A With Geeta Lal
›To prevent maternal mortality, we need new approaches to this very old problem. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)’s Midwifery Programme, which operates in 120 countries, recently launched an innovative tool to improve training for maternal health workers. Dot-Mom, the column of the Maternal Health Initiative on New Security Beat, recently spoke with Geeta Lal, global coordinator for the Midwifery Programme, about the challenges of developing innovations in maternal health and new projects on the horizon for UNFPA.
Cities at COP-23: Q&A With WRI’s Ani Dasgupta
›To meet the climate challenge, city leaders are committing to ambitious emissions targets, designing decentralized action plans, and sharing lessons in transnational networks. Since growing cities are a large source of global emissions, their efforts could contribute substantially to global climate objectives. As the world’s climate experts gather next week in Bonn, Germany, for the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP-23), urban initiatives will be a key focal point of the agenda-setting conversation.
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