Maternal Health: How Racial and Gender Discrimination Drive Maternal Mortality Rates
›The International Day of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21 offers a significant opportunity to reflect on a key issue in maternal health: despite global progress over the past 20 years, maternal deaths are rising across the Americas. Why?
Indigenous Partnerships Can Bring Progress in LAC Energy Projects
›Este ensayo se actualizó con una traducción al español, disponible después de la versión en inglés, a continuación.
Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries have committed to transitioning to a net zero economy by 2050. Will they be able to do so without leaving anyone behind? It is unlikely, if business models don’t change.
An annual investment of $700 billion will be needed to curb emissions from the energy sector and its end uses, as well as from agriculture, forestry and other land use. In the clean energy sector alone, investment must increase nearly fivefold from its 2022 level.
From Sunset to a New Dawn: Sustaining Civil Society’s Voice on Safe Motherhood
›Maternal mortality continues to be one of the scourges in global health. The fact that women die as part of bringing life is an indictment against the overall status of women around the world, and underscores the failure to prioritize women, mothers, and children. Efforts to draw attention to the causes of maternal death and the solutions to maternal mortality abound, but they fail to get enough attention from the decisionmakers who establish health priorities and allocate resources that could actually make a difference.
Heat, Oil, and Dust: The State of Iran’s Lakes and Its Climate Future
›Iran’s southeastern province of Khuzestan—which borders Iraq—was already a dry and dangerous place. It was the site of the fiercest battles in the Iraq-Iran war which followed the Iranian Revolution in 1979, and to this day, the region still has many unexploded landmines.
Yet this legacy of violence is not the only issue facing its residents. As climate impacts mount in Khuzestan, the future looks bleak for both the region’s ecosystems and the people already living on this borderline.
Who Should Pay for Soil Contamination in China?
›On April 18, 2016, I was on the train with my Friends of Nature (FON) colleagues for a work trip when a shocking piece of news erupted on social media: hundreds of students in Jiangsu Province fell ill after moving into a newly built middle school. Reported symptoms included itchy skin with rashes and lesions, coughing, and a decline in white blood cell count. Students and parents later learned that their beautiful new school was built next to a contaminated site, previously home to three chemical manufacturing facilities, the largest of which had produced pesticides for decades. After these companies closed, a company contracted by the local government to clean up the site failed to properly collect and dispose of toxins in the soil. These toxins leaked into the air and sickened the students.
Clearing War Debris Can Help Ukraine Move Forward
›When Russia launched its brutal invasion of Ukraine on February 22, 2024, Western nations supported Ukraine with military and financial aid. But over two years, the cost of the war has been devastating—not only in terms of lives lost, and injuries sustained, but also in the number of buildings destroyed. According to some estimates, more than 150K structures have been damaged in the conflict.
The New Arctic: Amid Record Heat, Ecosystems Morph and Wildlife Struggle
›This article, by Sharon Guynup, originally appeared on Mongabay.
Walruses have traversed the Arctic for millennia, gregarious pinnipeds that rest en masse on drifting pack ice, diving to feed on crabs, clams and other seafloor delicacies. Icy platforms also serve as safe birthing and nursery grounds. But as the far north rapidly warms and sea ice disappears, some herds now huddle on overcrowded shorelines, with deadly consequences for young calves: Because more disturbances occur on shore than at sea, calves are regularly trampled during panicked stampedes by the 1-ton-plus adults.
Money Can Grow on Trees: Forestry Rights Reform for Decarbonization in China
›High in the remote mountains of western Fujian Province, Changkou—part of Sanming Prefectural City—became the first village to launch a new forestry carbon ticket system in May 2021. Changkou farmers have long received little benefit in managing forests because of fragmented forest land, high investment risks, and limited ownership rights. To solve those problems, the Sanming Forestry Bureau issued tickets to forestry farmers, granting them the right to receive stocks on their plots of forests by cooperating with farms in a certain period. Meanwhile, the carbon tickets grant farmers the right to earn carbon emission credits for their land and trees.
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