‘The Lancet’ on Achieving Maternal Health Goals in the SDG Era: Tackling Diversity and Divergence
›Between 1990 and 2015, there was an incredible 44 percent decrease in global maternal mortality rates. But these impressive gains still fell short of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing the global maternal mortality ratio by three quarters.
No Mother Left Behind: How Conflict Exacerbates the Global Maternal Health Challenge
›Since the end of World War II, the number of wars between states has declined significantly, but the number of intrastate civil conflicts – as seen in Syria and Afghanistan – has increased.
Putting a Price on Reproduction: The Global Surrogacy Market
›The first baby conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) was born in 1978 and revolutionized alternative family building strategies. As IVF has become more widely available in the years since, the focus of many families who cannot conceive or carry a baby to term – the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there are 6.7 million such women in the United States alone – has shifted from adoption to surrogacy. However, this endeavor remains very expensive; prohibitively so for many. Commercial surrogacy can cost up to $70,000 in the United States, except in the seven states where it is illegal. Yet if couples are willing to outsource to another country, surrogacy can cost much less.
After Women Deliver, What’s Next for Women and Girls?
›The once-every-three-years Women Deliver conference has become a major coalescing force for various global health and development efforts aimed at women and girls. “We operate at a global level, influencing the agenda” by focusing on the “four Cs”: convening, communicating, capacity-building, and catalyzing, said Susan Papp, director of policy and advocacy for Women Deliver. [Video Below]
Alix Bacon on Building a Global Community of Midwives
›The fourth global Women Deliver conference in May brought nearly 6,000 experts and advocates to Copenhagen to address the health and rights of women and girls, including a small group of young midwives who attended a symposium beforehand. “I went in a little bit skeptical,” says Alix Bacon, president of the Midwives Association of British Columbia and one of 32 women under 35 who received a scholarship to attend, in this week’s podcast. “And I came home a changed woman and a believer.”
Maternal and Fetal Health Implications of Zika in the United States
›Maternal and fetal health is at the forefront of concerns about the spread of Zika. The fetal brain defects known to be linked to the virus are devastating – and may only be the tip of the iceberg in terms of the virus’s impact, according to a panel of high level U.S. government officials speaking at the Wilson Center on May 24.
History’s Largest Generation Isn’t Getting the Health Care It Needs to Thrive
›At 1.8 billion strong, the current generation of 10 to 24 year olds is the largest in human history. Approximately 90 percent of these adolescents live in less developed countries. This poses an unprecedented challenge for health systems and social policies which largely struggle to meet the unique needs of young people, according to a new Lancet commission.
From Chicago to India, Journalist Tracks Long-Lasting Effects of Childhood Malnutrition in ‘First 1,000 Days’
›After more than a decade studying the wide-ranging effects of poor nutrition on children, former Wall Street Journal reporter Roger Thurow is outraged. Now he wants to inspire action.
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