ECSP Weekly Watch: April 29 – May 3
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security ProgramEnvironmental Prize Winners Highlight Local Communities’ Fight Against Fossil Fuels (New York Times)
On Monday, several environmental leaders won the Goldman Environmental Prize, which the Goldman Environmental Foundation awards annually to grassroots environmental activists from each of the world’s six geographic regions. This year’s prize comes as environmental advocacy groups, especially indigenous ones, increasingly fight legal battles against companies or government entities that wish to use their land for oil and gas acquisition or coal mining.
The Arc | Dr. Renata Giannini on Women Environmental Defenders in the Amazon and Climate Mitigation
›In today’s episode of The Arc, ECSP’s Angus Soderberg and Claire Doyle interview Wilson Center Fellow Dr. Renata Giannini about her work with women environmental defenders in the Amazon and their role at COP30 in Brazil. Select quotes from the interview are featured below.
ECSP Weekly Watch: March 4 – 8
›A window into what we are reading at the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program
Climate Change Disproportionately Impacts Rural Women (U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization)
A recent report by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization analyzed data from 24 low- and middle- income countries (LMICs) across five regions and over 100 thousand rural households to measure the impacts of climate change on rural women, youth, and people living in poverty. It found that climate change’s impacts disproportionately impact households headed by women, with income losses due to extreme heat (8% income loss) and flooding (3% income loss), relative to households led by men. The income gap between men and women was also widened as a result.
The New Arctic: Amid Record Heat, Ecosystems Morph and Wildlife Struggle
›This article, by Sharon Guynup, originally appeared on Mongabay.
Walruses have traversed the Arctic for millennia, gregarious pinnipeds that rest en masse on drifting pack ice, diving to feed on crabs, clams and other seafloor delicacies. Icy platforms also serve as safe birthing and nursery grounds. But as the far north rapidly warms and sea ice disappears, some herds now huddle on overcrowded shorelines, with deadly consequences for young calves: Because more disturbances occur on shore than at sea, calves are regularly trampled during panicked stampedes by the 1-ton-plus adults.
Green Corruption: Dissecting a Recent Wilson Center Event
›In today’s episode of New Security Broadcast, ECSP’s Angus Soderberg breaks down a recent Wilson Center event against the backdrop of the 10th annual Conference of State Parties (COSP) to the UN Convention on Corruption, which is under way in Atlanta this week. On September 19, ECSP and the Wilson Center’s Global Europe Program, in partnership with the U.S. Department of State, the Embassy of the Principality of Liechtenstein, and the Basel Institute on Governance, hosted Combating Green Corruption: Fighting Financial Crime as a Driver of Environmental Degradation. The speakers discuss how corruption fuels wildlife trafficking and other environmental crimes, which finance illicit activities, hamper development, and erode efforts to combat biodiversity loss and climate change across the globe.
Recognizing the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
›In 2001, the UN General Assembly declared November 6 the International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict. In the 22 years since, both the impact of the exploitation of the environment during war—and the centrality of natural resources in establishing peace—have gained greater global recognition.
Water Cooperation and Scientific Networks: A Work of Passion
›Groundwater is relied upon for roughly half of global drinking water. And as climate change alters precipitation patterns and pollution of surface water continues to increase, our collective dependence on groundwater is likely to increase.
Getting ahead of the potential conflicts, or in some cases, catching up with them, requires an increase in effective groundwater cooperation and diplomacy. Yet the vast majority of transboundary aquifers exist without any form of agreement among the states that share them. This state of affairs leaves the aquifers—and the people who rely upon them—vulnerable to overexploitation, environmental degradation, and the risk of interstate conflict.
PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’ Harming Wildlife the World Over: Study
›This article, by Sharon Guynup, originally appeared on Mongabay.
In Hawaii and elsewhere in the North Pacific, few hatchlings are emerging from the nests of endangered hawksbill and green sea turtles. In Wisconsin, some tree swallows have failed to produce offspring. In California, infectious diseases are now more common in southern sea otters. In Michigan, bluegills are swimming slower. In the Arctic, some hooded seals and their pups have thyroid problems. And in North Carolina’s Cape Fear River, American alligators have been found with lesions and unhealed, infected wounds.
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