Geoff Dabelko, Ensia
The Periphery Isn’t Peripheral: Barriers to Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in Development
›February 14, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffWhat do melting Himalayan glaciers have to do with food security in Cambodia? Not much, thought an aid practitioner trying to boost food security along the lower reaches of the Mekong River – until she heard a colleague working on the Tibetan Plateau describe the downstream implications of climate change in the Himalayas. Everything she was working on, she suddenly realized, could be literally washed away.
Better Mapping for Better Journalism: InfoAmazonia and the Growth of GeoJournalism
›Nearly every local story has a global context. This is especially true when it comes to the environment, and there may be no better way to show that context than through visualization. But in developing countries, where so many important changes are happening, journalists often lack the resources or skills to make data visualization a part of their repertoire.
New Architecture for a New World? Making the Millennium Development Goals Sustainable
›Next year, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), adopted by the United Nations after the Millennium Declaration, are set to expire. As they wind down, the global development community is taking stock. While there have been great strides toward accomplishing many of the goals set forth in 2000, there has been little headway in ensuring environmental sustainability, said Melinda Kimble, senior vice president of the United Nations Foundation. Which raises the question: What should change for the next set of global development goals, which are supposed to be even more environmentally focused – the “Sustainable Development Goals?”
Geoff Dabelko: Face Down the “Four Tyrannies” to Improve Cross-Sectoral Collaboration
›What does Himalayan ice melt have to do with food security in Cambodia? A lot, when they both significantly affect the flow of the Mekong River. But when it comes to long-term planning across topical and regional lines, development agencies aren’t always as collaborative as they could be – both externally and internally.
Lisa Dabek: Thinking Long Term to Save Papua New Guinea’s Tree Kangaroos
›“I always say what brought me to Papua New Guinea is the tree kangaroo, and what keeps me there are the people,” said Lisa Dabek.
Gorillas and Family Planning: At the Crossroads of Community Development and Conservation in Uganda
›“Gorillas are very good at family planning; if we were like them, we’d be much better off,” said wildlife veterinarian Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka at the Wilson Center on September 26. The Conservation Through Public Health (CTPH) CEO and founder is celebrating 10 years of population, health, and environment (PHE) work in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, bringing health and livelihood interventions to people while protecting mountain gorillas around Virunga and Bwindi Impenetrable National Parks. [Video Below]
Crowded Out: New Evidence Points to Population Growth as Key Driver of Biodiversity Loss
›November 12, 2013 // By Kathleen MogelgaardIn 2009, economist Jeffrey Sachs, alongside more than 20 eminent scholars from different fields, highlighted the importance of biodiversity for human well-being in a policy commentary published in Science. They noted the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) included a target to achieve, by 2010, a significant reduction in the rate of species loss, and they also noted that it was one of the MDG targets that was most off-track. “Our lack of progress toward the 2010 target,” they said, “could undermine achievement of the MDGs and poverty reduction in the long term.” The 2010 target was missed, and today species are moving toward extinction at an ever faster pace. Last week’s announcement confirming the extinction of Africa’s western black rhino is the latest sad example of this trend.
Aligning Human and Ocean Health, Preventing Sudden Freshwater and Plant Habitat Decline
›“The size and growth of the human population is putting unprecedented pressure on natural resources,” reports the first major publication by the Global Partnership for Oceans. The World Bank launched the consortium of more than 140 government, NGO, and private sector groups at the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development as a means to bring targeted investment to reverse ocean health decline and encourage sustainable development. On October 16, the Partnership’s Blue Ribbon Panel released Indispensable Ocean: Aligning Ocean Health and Human Well-Being, which encourages members to prioritize five principles: sustainable livelihoods, social equity, and food security; a healthy ocean; effective governance systems; long-term viability; and capacity building and innovation. Selection criteria for investments accompany each principle, including requirements like addressing problems of food affordability and access, demonstrating potential for improvements in human health, and building resilience to future conditions. “The good news is that we stand at a point in history where it is neither too late nor impossible to turn the tide of change that is currently sweeping across the ocean,” panel chair Ove Hoegh-Guldberg concludes.
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