Roger-Mark De Souza Talks Global Population Dynamics on ‘Radio Times’
›From aging populations in East Asia, Europe, and the United States to youth in sub-Saharan Africa, changing demographics have implications for the entire global community, said Roger-Mark De Souza, director of population, environmental security, and resilience at the Wilson Center in an April 20 interview for WHYY’s Radio Times in Philadelphia.
Interview With Michael Brown, UN Senior Mediation Expert in Natural Resources and Land Conflicts
›April 8, 2015 // By Linnea BennettNatural resources rarely feature during peacebuilding efforts, but there is growing evidence that’s a mistake. Unresolved natural resource management issues can make peace more fragile, while addressing them can act as a bridge toward cooperation.
Integrated Development, Focus on Empowerment Builds Resilience in Nepal
›From the mountains and foothills of the Himalayas to the Terai plains, climate change is rapidly changing life in Nepal. Many communities however, are not strangers to environmental stress; for decades, rapid population growth alongside agriculture and fuelwood collection have degraded land and diminished forests. [Video Below]
New Portal for Himalayan Region Aims to Provide Better Environmental Data
›“There was drought so we had to share the little water brought a long distance from irrigation canals to the field. This delay in rice planting is resulting in a late harvest,” explains Ratna Darai, 47, a farmer in Daraipadhera, Nepal, during an interview with The Third Pole reporter Ramesh Bhushal. An erratic monsoon means an uncertain harvest in a nation where agricultural production is not on pace with population growth. Water insecurity is a major driver of conflict and uncertainly in the world’s most populous continent.
Integrated Development Programs Work to Expand Conservation and Health Efforts in Uganda and Madagascar
›As is becoming clear, climate change, environmental degradation, population, and poverty alleviation are inextricably linked in many parts of the world. [Video Below]
Caroline Savitzky: Surge of Interest in Population, Health, and Environment Development in Madagascar
›The past year brought not only an end to political instability in Madagascar but a new surge of interest in integrated population, health, and environment (PHE) development, says Caroline Savitzky of Blue Ventures in this week’s podcast.
New Network Links Madagascar’s Environment and Health Sectors
›As the international community seeks to articulate a collective vision for sustainable development following the Millennium Development Goals, a vibrant new network has emerged in Madagascar to advance integrated population, health and environment (PHE) initiatives across this island nation.
From the PHE Conference in Addis Ababa, a Progress Report on Integrated Development
›My grandmother was pleased when I told her I was heading to Ethiopia last November for an international conference focused on population, health, and the environment.
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