Africa’s Trifecta: Food Security, Resilience, and Demographics at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit
›August 5, 2014 // By Roger-Mark De Souza“You can’t build a peaceful world on an empty stomach,” Secretary of State John Kerry said yesterday at a high-level working session on resilience and food security, quoting Norman Borlaug, the father of last century’s “Green Revolution.”
Earth Day 2014: Women at the Center of Sustainable Cities
›April 22, 2014 // By Roger-Mark De SouzaWhen I first came on board the Wilson Center last Earth Day, I wrote that I wanted to forge new paths and identify ways that reproductive health, environmental conservation, and women’s empowerment affect our lives today and in the future.
The Year That Resilience Gets Real
›2014 promises to be a superlative year – and that’s not necessarily a good thing. Complex, “super” disasters like Super Typhoon Haiyan are becoming more frequent, more systemic, and more destructive. Global trends, from population dynamics to food, water, and energy scarcities, threaten to further complicate the playing field. But by finally getting serious about resilience – the much discussed buzzword of 2013 – we might reduce our vulnerability, restore our communities, and build back better, rather than just picking up the pieces.
PHE Mythbusting at the International Conference on Family Planning
›November 21, 2013 // By Roger-Mark De SouzaI’ve just returned from the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) in Ethiopia where integrated population, health, and environment (PHE) programs had a strong showing. More than 16 sessions over three days at the conference incorporated PHE themes, including panels on communicating complexity around family planning, conservation and human rights; how PHE helps accelerate the fertility transition in rural Ethiopia; and meaningful ways of linking population and family planning to climate change and sustainable development in Africa. Blue Ventures, one of PHE’s strongest voices, was given one of the first ever Excellence in Leadership for Family Planning awards. At this global meeting of family planning experts, PHE was clearly and squarely at the center.
On World Population Day, ICPD Conference Reminds Us of Population’s Role in Development
›July 11, 2013 // By Roger-Mark De Souza“The development agenda is discretionary and the human rights agenda is obligatory,” said Kitty van der Heijden, the ambassador for sustainable development in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the final day of the ICPD International Conference on Human Rights here in the Netherlands.
For Earth Day, A Commitment and An Invitation
›April 22, 2013 // By Roger-Mark De SouzaIt’s spring, it’s Earth Day, and I’m starting a new job. I always enjoy the sense of renewal that spring brings, and this spring brings a unique opportunity for me to reaffirm my commitment to the issues that define our times. As the Wilson Center’s new Director of Population, Environmental Change, and Security, I am excited to build on the success of the Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program and Global Health Initiative to forge new paths and identify ways that reproductive health, environmental conservation, and women’s empowerment affect our lives today and in the future.
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