Lauren Herzer Risi
Lauren Herzer Risi is the Project Director for the Environmental Change and Security Program at the Wilson Center and Managing Editor for New Security Beat.
She leads research and programming focused on the intersection of environmental change, climate change, demographic trends, conflict and peacebuilding, and foreign policy, international development, and security.
Lauren previously worked as a Peace Corps volunteer in Bulgaria and served as a Crisis Corps volunteer with the Peace Corps and FEMA in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. She has a BA in History from UCLA and a Master’s degree in Environmental Security and Peace from the University for Peace in Costa Rica.
Email: Lauren.Risi@WilsonCenter.org
An Interview with NATO’s Paul Rushton on the Alliance’s Climate Security Efforts
›When senior officials from 32 countries meet in Washington, DC next week for the NATO Summit, deterrence and defense, as well as Ukraine and global partnerships, are at the top of the agenda. As NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg observed at a recent Wilson Center event: “The war in Ukraine demonstrates that our security is not regional, it is global – not least because of the support we know Russia is getting from China and others.”
Under Stoltenberg’s leadership, NATO has recognized that climate change is also reshaping the security landscape. In 2021, NATO launched a Climate Change and Security Action Plan which positions the organization as a leader in understanding and adapting to climate impacts on security. Two years later, the NATO Climate Change and Security Centre of Excellence (CCASCOE) was established in Montreal.
Climate, Conflict, and Changing Demographics Command Attention in New Global Health Security Report
›A new report by the US Intelligence Community highlights what the world stands to lose if it fails to cooperate on global health. The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) “Dynamics Shaping Global Health Security In the Next Decade” outlines the dire effects of climate change, changing demographics, and the erosion of trust in institutions on global health security. The NIE on Global Health Security was made publicly available in April 2024, on the heels of the Biden-Harris Administration’s launch of a new Global Health Security Strategy.
The Global Challenge of Water’s Weaponization in War: Lessons from Yemen, Ukraine, and Libya
›The world’s water is in trouble. Freshwater pollution, coupled with climate change, population growth, and increasing demand, threatens water quality and availability. Over the last 40 years, global water usage has increased every year by around 1% to support agriculture, industrial growth, and growing populations. The strain is clear already, as 26% of the world’s population lacks access to safe drinking water, and a whopping 46% lack access to basic sanitation.
REPORT LAUNCH | Population Trends and the Future of US Competitiveness
›From the Wilson Center // February 5, 2024 // By Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba, Lauren Herzer Risi & Sarah B. BarnesThis article is adapted from “Population Trends and the Future of US Competitiveness”
Demographic issues intersect with a number of policy priorities on the congressional agenda, including the economy, immigration, health care and foreign policy, but how population trends influence policy outcomes is often overlooked or misunderstood. In a new report, we explore how population dynamics have changed dramatically over the last few decades, and what these changes mean for the economic and security interests of the United States.
Examining China’s Impact on Mining in Africa: Critiques and Credible Responses
›The increased demand for minerals driven by the renewable energy transition has put China’s involvement in mining activities in Africa in the spotlight. But understanding the challenges posed by this activity means we need to situate it within broader contexts.
Investigating Climate Migration: Global Realities and Resilience
›Climate change has become part of our daily lexicon. Rarely does a week pass when a hurricane, drought, wildfire, or some other climate disruption is not front page news. These headlines often offer dire predictions of mass migration as well—a bracing vision of hordes of people moving to greener pastures, often found further inland and further north, where some political leaders leverage the narrative to push their own agendas.
“We are so worried we are going to be forgotten”—A Doha Forum Discussion on the Global Displacement Crisis
›The humanitarian needs for those who are displaced are unprecedented, said Amb. Mark Green, President of the Wilson Center and former USAID Administrator, at a Doha Forum panel hosted by the Wilson Center’s Middle East Program.
The Biden-Harris Administration Releases a (Nearly) Whole-of-Government Response to Climate Security
›October 29, 2021 // By Lauren Herzer RisiLast week, in an unprecedented show of coordination to address the connections between climate change and security, the Biden-Harris Administration released four reports—which taken together, mark significant progress in the effort to center climate change in U.S. national security and foreign policy. The documents—which fulfill key requirements laid out in two Executive Orders issued by President Biden in the early days of his administration—describe how climate change will increasingly heighten instability and influence the United States’ strategic interests, including shaping competition with other great powers—most significantly, China.