Katrina Braxton
Katrina Braxton is the program assistant for the Wilson Center’s Maternal Health Initiative.
Prior to joining the Wilson Center, she worked as a resettlement case manager at World Relief and on Capitol Hill for Congressman Steny Hoyer. As a Benjamin A. Gilman scholar and Institute for International Public Policy fellow, she has studied abroad in St. Petersburg and attended the Kathryn Wasserman Davis School of Russian at Middlebury College. Katrina speaks intermediate Russian and holds a BA in religion, philosophy, and international relations from Shaw University.
As Humanitarian Crises Multiply, Maternal Health and Safety of Women Becoming a Focus
›Accessing maternal health care is already a challenge in many countries, and when conflict erupts or a disaster strikes, it can get even worse, leaving millions of women on their own while at their most vulnerable, said Ugochi Daniels, chief of humanitarian response for the UN Population Fund (UNFPA). Women and girls also become more vulnerable to violence during times of crisis, she said, by virtue of nothing but their gender. [Video Below]
Emerging Priorities for Maternal Health in Nigeria: Surveying the Field
›“Nigeria’s population is only two percent of the world population, but we contribute about 10 percent of the maternal mortality,” said Oladosu Ojengbede, professor and director of the University of Ibadan’s Center for Population and Reproductive Health. [Video Below]
Underage: Addressing Reproductive Health and HIV Needs in Married Adolescent Girls
›In July, thousands of people attended the 20th International AIDS Conference and the 2014 Girls Summit to work towards an AIDS-free generation and ending child and forced marriage. But such attention is rare; by and large, these girls are invisible to development efforts. [Video Below]
Proven and Promising Solutions to Strengthening Maternal Health Supply Chains
›In 2012, as part of the Every Women Every Child movement, 13 vital health commodities were identified by a UN panel that could save the lives of more than 6 million women and children over the course of five years. There are often significant cultural and behavioral barriers to these commodities reaching people in low- and middle-income countries, but physical logistics is also a major problem.
Antenatal Care as an Instrument of Change: Innovative Models for Low-Resource Settings
›A roadside billboard in Malawi reads: “No woman should die while giving life.” But in many countries, death or grave injury during childbirth is an all too frequent occurrence. [Video Below]
Can Social Accountability Help Ensure Rights and Better Participation in Maternal Health Services?
›Over the last two decades, social accountability has emerged as a strategy to make health services more responsive to community needs. It’s an approach that creates a space for “interaction between citizen engagement and government responsiveness,” said Jonathan Fox, professor of international development at American University at the Wilson Center May 5. [Video Below]
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Programs as a Strategy to Advance Maternal Health
›Of all the Millennium Development Goals, the maternal health and sanitation targets are among the farthest off track, said Rebecca Fishman, operations and special projects director of WASH Advocates. [Video Below]
For Maternal Health, What Role Will Universal Health Coverage Play in a Post-MDG World?
›The global maternal health agenda has been largely defined by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for the last decade and half, but what will happen after they expire in 2015? What kind of framework is needed to continue the momentum towards eliminating preventable maternal deaths and morbidities? [Video Below]