Lisa Palmer, Future Food 2050
Greener Pastures for Cattle Ranching
›November 26, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffImagine an overgrown perennial garden. Impenetrable, shrubby bushes knit themselves together in long rows. Grasses reach chest high. Native hardwood trees hog the perimeter.
Tripp Shealy and Elke U. Weber, The Daily Climate
Built-In Climate Solutions: Adjusting Defaults to Encourage More Efficient Design
›November 14, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffNew York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has called for “urgent, daring action” to help deliver on his pledge to reduce New York City’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050. The Mayor asked us all to think about “the reckless way in which we live.”
Jill Schwartz, World Wildlife Fund
In Nepal, Community Health Workers Take on Conservation Too
›November 12, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffAt high noon, Devi KC is still deep in the daily chores she started at sunrise: brewing tea and cooking a meal of rice, lentils and spinach for her husband and teenage son; pumping and hauling water from the nearby well; harvesting hay from her field; and sweeping road dirt from her front porch.
Peter Schwartzstein, National Geographic
Amid Terror Attacks, Iraq Faces Water Crisis
›November 5, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffViewed from afar, the two-mile-long Mosul Dam is an impressive sight on the flat, sunbaked northern plains.
Laurie Mazur, Aspen Institute
Why Women Are Key to Addressing Climate Change, Hunger, Health, and Development
›October 30, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffPolicymakers typically address issues like climate, food security, development, and reproductive health separately. But that is not how those issues are experienced by women in developing countries. “At the ground level, these issues overlap 100 percent,” said Dr. Yetnayet Asfaw of EngenderHealth during a recent dialogue on global health and development held at the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings’ Civil Society Policy Forum.
Andrea Ó Súilleabháin, Global Observatory
Overlooked Among 50 Million Displaced Worldwide, Women and Girls Lose Out
›October 23, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffMass displacement has become a significant feature of recent conflicts, as the number of people forced to flee their homes has passed 50 million worldwide, a level not seen since World War II. This is one of the reasons why the UN Security Council will focus on women refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) during its annual open debate on women, peace, and security on October 28, according to Elizabeth Cafferty, senior advocacy officer at the Women’s Refugee Commission.
A. Tianna Scozzaro, Population Action International
I Went to UNGA and All I Got Were These Five Questions
›October 8, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffAs the dust settles on an exciting United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), I finally have an opportunity to reflect on all that went down, and what it means for the post-2015 development process moving forward.
Paola Adriázola and Stephan Wolters, ECC Platform
Investing in Collaboration to Manage Natural Resource Conflict
›September 25, 2014 // By Wilson Center StaffConflict over environmental resources endangers rural people’s livelihoods and can increase the risk of broader social conflict. Yet joint action to sustain shared resources can also be a powerful means for community building. The Strengthening Aquatic Resource Governance (STARGO) project demonstrated this in three ecoregions: Lake Victoria, with a focus on Uganda; Lake Kariba, with a focus on Zambia; and Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia. The results of the project were released at an event in Berlin in early July 2014.
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