Sam Eaton, PRI’s The World
Human Traffickers Follow Floods in India, But Local Girls Are Fighting Back
›September 17, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffThe Sundarbans – a collection of densely populated islands in India’s sprawling Ganges Delta – are so remote that the only way to get there is by boat. But human traffickers still manage to get in, and that’s left many families with missing daughters.
Roudabeh Kishi, ACLED Project
The Effect of Inequality on Conflict in Africa
›September 16, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffMany have noted inequality as fuel for conflict. It can serve to exacerbate grievances amongst those who have less within unequal contexts, which can in turn serve as a mobilizing factor in fueling violence. Alternatively, it can make the “prize” of conflict larger – within the most unequal societies, the poor have less to lose and more to gain.
Jim Jarvie, SciDevNet
Urban Resilience to Climate Change in Asia Critical as Strong El Niño Looms
›September 7, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffAn advisory released this August by the U.S. National Weather Service warned this year’s El Niño could be among the strongest ever recorded, lasting well into the first few months of 2016.
Heather McGray & Kathleen Mogelgaard, World Resources Institute
Not Just Mitigation: National Climate Plans Raise Adaptation’s Profile
›August 13, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffAs the world prepares for a pivotal climate conference in Paris this December, countries are offering their national plans to tackle a changing climate. These plans, known as intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs), contain details of what each country is prepared to do as part of a new global climate agreement. While the public focus is often on mitigation – how much countries are willing to reduce emissions, by when, and with what degree of transparency – adaptation to the impacts of climate change demands the same level of attention. In fact, the last round of international climate talks in Lima invited parties to include adaptation in their INDCs.
Alex Evans, The Guardian
Addis Financing Summit Leaves Questions – Will the SDGs Provide Answers?
›July 24, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffStart with the good news from this week’s finance for development conference in Addis Ababa: at least it got the narrative right.
Peter Schwartzstein, National Geographic
After Spark of Hope, Iraq’s Marshes Are Again Disappearing
›July 13, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffAs Saddam Hussein drained Iraq’s famed marshes to punish the rebellious tribesmen who lived in them, Amjad Mohamed packed his few possessions, grabbed his fishing rod, and fled south to Basra with his extended family.
Eric Larson and Sarthak Gupta, Climate Central
Shift from Coal to Gas Means Power Plants Are Using Less Water [Infographic]
›As the U.S. has undergone a rapid and massive shift to natural gas from coal, one benefit has gone almost entirely overlooked: the amount of water needed to cool the nation’s power plants has dropped substantially.
Parson Rambinizandry and Marie Williamson, Blue Ventures
Conservation Organization Helps Women Bring Health Care to Rural Madagascar
›Two months ago we sat down with some of our community health workers to brainstorm ideas for International Women’s Day. What would engage women, what could bring about positive change in their community? Something different to the normal celebrations, perhaps a petition for a midwife? This seemed like a great idea on paper, but would it create false hope in a village where the public health center has been closed for years?
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