Priyali Sur, Foreign Policy
South Asian Environmental Migrants Pushed to Back of Line in Refugee Flood
›November 26, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffThe dark eyes and hair of the Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and Afghans almost blend with the other migrants’. The brown skin tones are also not giveaways, but ask them where they come from, and you notice the hesitation – trying hard to blend into the crowd of Syrian migrants at Europe’s border crossings, afraid of being spotted and sent back.
Ruth Greenspan Bell and Barry M. Blechman, Foreign Affairs
Turning Down the Heat: Progress in the Fight Against Climate Change
›November 24, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffLast week, at a meeting of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris, the United States, Japan, and several other nations reached an agreement that will restrict financing for overseas coal projects. The deal will limit investment in the dirtiest, coal-fired power plants but will allow some continued investment in more efficient coal technology. Japan is one of the major sources of finance for the coal industry, so the agreement is an important moment in the effort to reduce global emissions.
Shiloh Fetzek, A New Climate for Peace
Geothermal Expansion in Kenya Prompts Land Conflict With Maasai
›November 16, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffThe booming geothermal industry in Kenya illustrates how rapid transitions to renewable energy systems can risk generating conflicts if they are not done with sensitivity to the impact of transition on marginalized populations and to local ethnic and political dynamics.
Lisa Palmer, Yale Environment 360
Will Indonesian Fires Spark Reform of Rogue Forest Sector?
›November 11, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffThe fires that blazed in Indonesia’s rainforests in 1982 and 1983 came as a shock. The logging industry had embarked on a decades-long pillaging of the country’s woodlands, opening up the canopy and drying out the carbon-rich peat soils. Preceded by an unusually long El Niño-related dry season, the forest fires lasted for months, sending vast clouds of smoke across Southeast Asia.
Sam Eaton, PRI’s The World
Tanzania Tries to Turn Charcoal Trade From Enemy to Friend of the Forest
›October 28, 2015 // By Wilson Center Staff -
Rachel Stern, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Despite Rising Concern, Climate Change Often Put on Back Burner in Conflict Zones
›October 23, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffBarren barley and wheat fields stretch across the dry landscape of northern Afghanistan, the result of persistent drought and flash flooding that has left thousands of people facing food shortages and loss of work.
Lisa Palmer, The Guardian
India’s Climate Tech Revolution Is Starting in its Villages
›October 16, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffCamels pulling wooden carts loaded with coconuts plod down the main road amid speeding motorcycles, buses, rickshaws, and cars. Farmers sit atop slow-moving oxcarts loaded with grasses and other cattle feed. In this region of central Gujarat, India, it appears that rural life has not changed for decades.
Ken Conca, The Guardian
A Healthy Environment Is a Human Right
›October 6, 2015 // By Wilson Center StaffFor all its flaws, the United Nations remains the only plausible forum for engaging broad global challenges like sustainable development. The most important environmental achievements of the past 40 years – the rise of environmental awareness, the birth of key ideas such as sustainability or the common heritage of humanity and the most important global treaties for environmental protection – all bear the UN stamp in one way or another. We could have added environmental human rights to that legacy last month, but we failed.
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