Top 10 Posts for April 2016
May 5, 2016 By Schuyler NullAn alternative to rebuilding Iraq’s dangerously unstable Mosul Dam? Rapprochement between Turkey, Iraq, and the Kurds, writes Azzam Alwash for the Middle East Program in last month’s most-read story. Cooperation over water could be a mechanism for building stability and restoring vital natural resources.
The second-most read story of the month outlined new research on Myanmar’s most marginalized ethnic group, the Rohingya. As the country emerges from decades of military rule, how the new government treats them will have important implications for its demography and democracy going forward, write Rachel Blomquist and Richard Cincotta.
Other new stories in April included Anubha Bhonsle’s reporting on the “medicalization” of female-genital mutilation and the struggle of those within communities where it is still common to stop it, and discussion of a new report from Mercy Corps on the implications of their innovative peacebuilding work in the Horn of Africa.
1. Turning the Impending Mosul Dam Disaster Into Opportunity, Azzam Alwash
2. Myanmar’s Democratic Deficit: Demography and the Rohingya Dilemma, Rachel Blomquist and Richard Cincotta
3. What’s Behind West and Central Africa’s Youthful Demographics? High Desired Family Size, Elizabeth Leahy Madsen
4. Pathways to Resilience: Evidence on Links Between Conflict Management, Natural Resources, and Food Security, Gracie Cook
5. What Next? Climate Adaptation After Paris, Kathleen Mogelgaard
6. Will China’s New Air Law Solve its Pollution Crisis?, Cai Jingjing and Joyce Tang
7. Culture and Rights: The Struggle From Within to End Female Genital Cutting, Anubha Bhonsle
8. What Happens When You Can’t Build Back? Addressing Climate Change Loss and Damage, Haodan “Heather” Chen
9. Changing the Narrative on Fertility Decline in Africa, Eunice Mueni
10. How Successful Were the Millennium Development Goals? A Final Report, Josh Feng
Photo Credit: Aerial view of the Mosul Dam, July 2012, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.