Top 10 Posts for October 2012
November 1, 2012 By Schuyler NullWater – and its relationship with development, food, demography, and conflict – dominated October’s top 10 posts. Jeremiah Asaka’s guest contribution on resource conflict in Kenya and Kate Diamond’s look at SAB Miller’s surprisingly on-point summary of the water-energy-food nexus were new additions. Carolyn Lamere’s posts on the health of the world’s major aquifers and the political situation along the Nile basin made reappearances. And the drought across the U.S. West is still on, driving interest in Graham Norwood’s summary of how it might impact world food prices and its connection to climate change.
1. India’s Maoists: South Asia’s “Other” Insurgency
2. PRB’s 2012 World Population Data Sheet
3. Sex and World Peace: How the Treatment of Women Affects Development and Security
4. Stress Levels of Major Global Aquifers Revealed by Groundwater Footprint Study
6. U.S. Drought, Climate Change Could Lead to Global Food Riots, Political Instability
7. Yemen: Revisiting Demography After the Arab Spring
8. Water and Land Conflict in Kenya in the Wake of Climate Change
9. Beer: The Perfect Illustration of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus?
10. Maintaining the Momentum: Highlights From the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning